About me
Born on the 2nd of March 1974 in Traunstein/ Germany
10439 Berlin
030/ 44674244
mobile: 0163/ 7872662
mail to: katrini@gmail.com
12/2020 - 02/2021 Illustrations for Glückschuhverlag/ children's book: "Das unsterbliche Nashorn"
01/2020 Illustrations for Glückschuhverlag/ Potsdam bookfair
12/2019 Illustrator and designer of the logo/ corporate identity fot the "Weihnachtshaus Himmelpfort" (place where Santa lives)
09/ 2019 – 11/ 2019 lllustrator for Glückschuh Verlag, childrens picture book „Aurelia-3 – Lauf doch mal alleine“.
03/ 2019 – 08/ 2019 Illustrator for Glückschuh Verlag, childrens book „Sandor-4 – Der geheime Schwarm“
2017 Illustrator for beginner reader book: "Petronella Glückschuh - Tierfreundschaftsgeschichten" published at Glückschuhverlag, Falkensee, Germany
2017 Illustrator for corporate identity "Kunstmanns" selected toys and books store in Gotha/ Germany
2016 Illustrator for IMD Berlin - Comic to a text written by
Dr. Volker von Baehr: "The intact immune answer"
2015 Illustrator for Glückschuh Verlag, childrens book „Sandor-3 – Not macht erfinderisch“
2014 - 2015 Illustrator for Helle Freude GmbH,
Sorgenfresser Wimmelbuch
2014 Illustrator for Glückschuh Verlag, children's teavel book „Ostprignitz- Ruppin“, Development and Design of character „Theo“
2014 Design and Clean-up for Bibi and Tina - Puzzelkoffer wth 4 images for “Bibi und Tina”
2014 Illustrator for Glückschuh Verlag, childrens book „Petronella Glückschuh - Naturforschergeschichten“
2014 Illustrator for Helle Freude GmbH,
Sorgenfresser Geschichtenbuch
2013 - 2014 Illustrator for Cornelsen Schulbuchverlag,
EG Lighthouse Workbook 3, EG Highlight Workbook3, EG Headlight Workbook 3
2013 Illustrator for Bibi Blocksberg Erstleser.“Hexenstreit im Finsterwald“ and „Bibi und die Wetterhexerei“ books for beginner readers at Klett Verlag Stuttgart
2013 Illustrator for Bibi Blocksberg Erstleser. Bibi und der Geisterspuk am Meer Books for beginner readers at Klett Verlag Stuttgart
2013 Illustrator for Cornelsen Schulbuchverlag,
EG Lighthouse Workbook 2, EG Highlight Workbook 2, EG Headlight Workbook 2
2012 Illustrator for Bibi Blocksberg Erstleser.“Bibi und der Rabe mit dem Hicks“ books for beginner readers at Klett Verlag Stuttgart
03/2020 - 02/2021 Production manager for scopas medien AG, for 3D animated series Jonalu 3
08/ 2019 Clean- up artist for SPA Studios Madrid, Project „Klaus“ Netflix
02/ 2018 – 02/2019 Clean- up supervisor for the feature film “Rabe Socke 3“ software shotgun
04/ 2017 – 01/2018 Layout check for motionworks in Halle for TV Series „Marco Polo 2“/ software tactic
2015 Clean-up artist and coloring for MontBlanc spot „Happy holidays“ for moviebrats, Berlin
2015 Clean-up Artist for BigB- Animation Berlin, Project „Nicht lustig“
2014/ 2015 Clean- up supervisor for the feature film “Rabe Socke and the big race 2“
2014 Storyboard Clean-up for “Bibi und Tina” Episode 45 “The earl's sherif's badge”
2014 Storyboard Clean-up for “Bibi und Tina” Episode 42 “The exchange student”
2012 Clean-Up Artist for the project „ Der Mondmann“ for Schesch Filmkreationen
2012 Line- Art Artist for BG Designs for the project „Alfie Atkins“ for A- Film Productions in Denmark
2011 Storyboard Clean-up for TV Series Bibi Blocksberg for A- Film Productions in DK
2011 Character Designer/ Clean- up Modelpack for TV Series „The wild soccer bunch at Wunderwerk
2010 Supervisor Clean- Up for the Project “Titeuf Le Film”
2009 Clean-Up Artist for Storyboard for the Project „Bibi Blocksberg“ and „Bibi and Tina“
2004 – 2005 Clean-Up Supervisor/ Modelpack for the „Project: „Asterix and the Vikings“ at A-Film A/S in Copenhagen/ Denmark
2003 - 2004 Key assistant animator on feature production „Lauras Stern“ at Cartoon-Film in Berlin/ Germany
2003 Key assistant animator at Munich Animation for the feature production „Till Eulenspiegel“ in Munich/ Germany
2003 Development, production and sales of the pilot episode for „ANN“ animal news network, our own idea, a 52 X 12 min episodes TV Serie
2001 – 2002 Production Manager for ASL in Hamburg and Berlin for TV Series „Acaria“ (54 x 11‘) and „Meadowlands“(24 x 24‘)
2001 Animator and Assistant Animator for feature „The Christmas Carrol“ at Illuminated /London/ UK
2000 Clean-Up Supervisor at Hahn Film for the feature project „Abrafaxe unter schwarzer Flagge“ in Ho Chi Minh City/ Vietnam
1999 Animator at „Trixter“ for the commercial for IBEX computers
1998 - 1999 Key Assistant Animator at Munich
Animation for the feature project:
„Help I‘m a fish“
09/ 1998 - 11/1998 Freelancer Assistant Animator
for „WERNER 3“ at Gerhard Hahn Film AG, Berlin and „Hot Dogs“ for ORB Film Munich.
07/ 1997 - 08/ 1998 Assistant Animator at Munich
Animation for „Tobias Totz“. Div. commercials for Bicoflex, Ritter Sport
1995 - 1997 Assistant Animator at Bioskopfilm
for „ Die furchtlosen Vier“
1993 - 1994 Freie Kunstwerkstatt München (artschool)